Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Trauma has lasting effects.

Experiencing a natural disaster, a life-threatening accident, or violence are situations that can cause emotional trauma. Other causes of trauma can result from injuries, the death of someone you love, or unexpected changes in your health.

Responses to trauma can impact you physically and mentally, causing you to be on guard against having a similar experience. Things are fine for one minute, but something triggers that traumatic experience, and you relive it again.

Trauma can cause you to become anxious and fearful of any situation that could place you in harm’s way. Sleep disorders, avoidance of others, and depression are a few symptoms associated with trauma’s effects.

Therapy offers methods to help you recover and reprocess that past traumatic experience. EMDR is a proven method effective for treating trauma.

What is EMDR?

EMDR is a therapeutic approach considered one of the most effective forms of therapy in processing traumatic and/or disturbing memories.

EMDR effectively treats a wide range of disorders, including, but not limited to PTSD, depression, anxiety, grief, anger, and OCD.

The EMDR process allows you to access disturbing memories otherwise locked in the brain. Accessing those memories helps your brain reprocess these disturbing memories, allowing you to heal, adapt, and respond to your present life.

EMDR helps you put traumatic memories in the past.

Your mind naturally works to protect you and keep you alive and functioning. Sometimes, its protective nature makes the brain lock the traumatic experience into maladaptive responses, creating negative beliefs about yourself and the world. This defensive response causes the brain to stay stuck in the trauma and puts its natural healing process on hold.

EMDR helps break the cycle and pattern of thoughts and reactions that your trauma response has created. It works by accessing and processing traumatic or disturbing memories, bringing them to an adaptive resolution.

Do you ever notice yourself defaulting to a negative belief about yourself or the world? Perhaps, you say, “I am not safe; I am not good enough; I am unlovable; I am not in control.” If so, you probably have trauma that still needs processing.

These negative comments keep you stuck and fearful of the world around you. When you take steps to access these memories, you can process them and put them in the past for good.

You don’t have to stay stuck in your past.

After a successful treatment of EMDR, you will experience relief from the distress of the memories, allowing you to reformulate those negative beliefs and reduce physiological arousal.

EMDR can put you on the path to healing.

Let’s work together to reduce and eliminate those memories that keep you stuck. EMDR works! Contact me today, so we can discuss what has you stuck.